See How Pricing Works

Unlimited Reports & Users (No Hidden Costs)

Our price plans are based-upon the number of properties you choose to manage within your subscription. There are no charges whatsoever for the number of reports you create.

This means you can create unlimited reports with unlimited storage and unlimited users (other providers often charge extra for users).

There’s no hidden costs and you can choose to pay monthly (cancel anytime) or commit for the year by paying annually (2 months free). For commercial users (eg Letting Agents) our entry level price plan is a ‘Worker 50’ – meaning that for £30 (+ VAT) per month, you can create an unlimited number of reports against 50 properties (price plans explored further below). 

^ Short 1 minute guide video (sound and subtitles available).

Benefits of ‘Per Property’ Pricing

We have a three-layered approach to report setup:

(1) Add Property

(2) Add Tenancy

(3) Add report

Setup in this way means that once you’ve added a property, you’ll never have to add it again. When tenants come and go their reports are remembered, which allows you to clone/copy them for new tenants. Eg you could choose to copy the last tenants inventory or check-out report contents.

When you do step (1) Add Property – it counts as one property from the number of properties you have chosen to manage on the system at any one time. If you’ve carried out an inventory with room descriptions and detail then the data can be cloned/copied for future tenants with ease. Also, any side-by-side ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos and descriptions are clearly identified in one check-out report when tenants exit the property.

It’s also worth noting that you’re free to delete properties no longer required under your account, freeing-up space for another to be added in it’s place.

Unlimited Reports, Users & Storage!

You can carry out as many reports as you like against each property. There’s no charge for the number of reports you create whatsoever. You can setup 8 separate branches, each with their own report brands and as many users as you like too. Also, there’s no extra photo gallery storage costs with any of our plans.

The price plans don’t jump much with upgrades either. We’re ground-breaking on pricing – especially considering our end-to-end paperless process. Here’s some typical examples:

50 properties (£30pm)

Equal to £7.20 per property per year (unlimited reports). If you compare us to a ‘per report’ pricing model – performing a modest number of 2 reports per property equates to £3.60 per report (eg inventory & interim created within 12 month period). Don’t forget there’s unlimited reports and storage against each property at no extra charge – so the more reports created, the more cost efficient it becomes.

100 properties (£35pm)

Equal to £4.20 per property per year (unlimited reports). If you compare us to a ‘per report’ pricing model – performing a modest number of 2 reports per property equates to £2.10 per report (eg inventory & interim created within 12 month period). Don’t forget there’s unlimited reports and storage against each property at no extra charge – so the more reports created, the more cost efficient it becomes.

250 properties (£45pm)

Equal to £2.16 per property per year (unlimited reports). If you compare us to a ‘per report’ pricing model – performing a modest number of 2 reports per property equates to £1.08 per report (eg inventory & interim created within 12 month period). Don’t forget there’s unlimited reports and storage against each property at no extra charge – so the more reports created, the more cost efficient it becomes.

500 props (£55pm)

Equal to £1.32 per property per year (unlimited reports). If you compare us to a ‘per report’ pricing model – performing a modest number of 2 reports per property equates to £0.66 per report (eg inventory & interim created within 12 month period). Don’t forget there’s unlimited reports against each property at no extra charge – so the more reports created, the more cost efficient it becomes.

Our pricing is shown from the button below:

View Pricing Slider

The information entered against each property is memorised going forwards, so you’ll never have to describe the same door twice.  This is a great time saver when tenants come and go, because you simply update the pictures and record any changes.

What to look out for when researching software prices?

First off, look beyond the headline rate. There’s often hidden charges involved with adding extra users, storage or report branding customisation. To work out the actual cost for your company in the long-run, consider these questions when comparing price:

How many properties will I have over the next year or two?

Tip: Your entry level price may seem attractive, but the end game may be far more costly. Consider the long-term size of your portfolio to understand the costs as you grow/upgrade your software package.

What level of training and support is on offer?

Tip: Ongoing training and support is crucial for your long-term success when using software. So, trial a few products first and gauge how responsive they are in responding to your support requests.

How do the features compare?

Tip: All providers will offer something slightly unique. The question is though, which features add the most value to your business. In most cases this is judged on time efficiency for your staff and how the quality of your service is delivered to customers.

Are there any setup costs to onboard property address data or previous reports?

Tip: There’s often a cost associated with importing data, or onboarding third party reports. Consider this when evaluating year 1 costs.

Is the software compatible with devices currently available to your team?

Tip: Some software providers will insist on using certain makes, models or types of device. This can result in extra costs in purchasing hardware to use the software, particularly in year 1.

Consider the cost of printing!

Aside from the cost of software, it’s clear to see the benefits of our paperless InventorySign® costs savings when reading IT PROs comprehensive article – ‘Inkjet vs. Laser Printers‘ which identifies:

“In toner alone, expect the cost per page to come in at around 2p for a black-and-white page and 5p to 10p for a colour page.”

Those numbers are quite shocking considering there are now 42.4 million smartphone users in the UK, which is approximately 100% more than the 21.6 million smartphone users in 2011 – an upward trend that’s set to continue. In fact, it’s estimated that 82% of the total UK population will own a smartphone by 2021. These figures put-to-bed the notion that paperless inventories signed on a mobile device are only suited to a younger audience. The table below shows the basic toner costs of printing a property inventory report:

Screen Shot 2017-01-12 at 06.08.35

^ Based on an average print cost of 7.5p per colour page for a modest inventory size of 60 pages with 2 copies (one for the tenant and one for the agent/landlord).

The above also doesn’t consider:

  • Printer depreciation/maintenance.
  • The cost of buying paper.
  • Staff time spent waiting and nursing the printer.

Free Data Imports

Want to get started performing interim visit reports on your portfolio? One-off data imports are available via our easy to use import tool, meaning property addresses, tenant information and walk-around orders can be setup intuitively – making switching to Inventory Hive simple.

Integrations & API

What’s more, we play nicely with others, by integrating and partnering with some market leading platforms.


Founded in the UK in 1997, The Reapit Group a leading supplier of Property CRM and Client Accounting software for estate agents.


PropCo is a property management platform where agents can add and manage their properties and tenancies all in one place.


Reach a wide audience quickly with efficient property management tools. Jupix is your one-stop to view and manage properties, resolve maintenance jobs, acquire a snapshot view of tenancies and keep on top of your accounts.


Fixflo has fundamentally changed how repair and maintenance issues are managed in homes and places of work. Their smart, cloud-based software solutions help property managers improve efficiency, exceed customer expectations and stay compliant with regulatory requirements.


Inventory Hive announced plans to work in partnership with The Dispute Service (TDS) to raise standards and reduce tenancy deposit disputes. This new initiative will align market leading paperless software with expert industry knowledge to better protect both tenants and landlords. Existing and new Inventory Hive customers will benefit from a range of new features, content and exclusive discounts.

The Depositary

Launched in 2020, The Depositary remove 80% of your ‘end of tenancy’ admin whilst delighting tenants and landlords with a transparent, simple, anytime, anywhere online service. An easy-to-use platform with an interactive timeline viewable by agent, landlord and tenant. Their automated emails will notify someone when an action

falls on them and regular chasers ensure nothing falls through the cracks, keeping the move-outs moving forward. Customers have gone from spending 3 to 4 hours on

each concluding tenancy down having the majority of their move outs requiring just 30 minutes of their time and attention. The Integration with Inventory Hive means that you can push check out report information directly to your Depositary account to further reduce the time of your end of tenancy admin.